Accounting & Financial

Our Book Keeping services are all computerized/cloud based Book Keeping such as recording of Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenses in journals and ledgers.   We believe that Book Keeping is not just for the sake of keeping records but also for the Business or Company owners to know their financial position.   Hence our Book Keeping is both clear and concise as well as easy to understand for the layman.

Knowing extremely well that the viability of a Business or Company depends a lot on their Cash Flow, and with repeated requests from Customers for us to provide invoicing and debt recovery services.  Edge Legal Solutions has incorporated Invoicing and Debt Recovery into our range of services.   Hence we can provide a Full Suite of Services from Invoicing, Book Keeping, Debt Recovery, Staff Payrolls to generation of Full Sets of Accounts for Customers.

We do GST/VAT Management and Reporting which follows individual jurisdictionional Accounting Rules and Regulations as well as provide assistance for Companies wishing to computerize their GST/VAT Management and Reporting.

Edge Legal Solutions specialise in the maintenance and reporting of not only office accounts but more importantly Trust accounts in various jurisdictions and thoroughly understand each jurisdictions requirements.